Honours and Awards at the IFLA WLIC 2022 Closing Session
During the Closing Session on 28 July, IFLA President Barbara Lison and Vice-Chair of the IFLA Professional Council, Jan Richards, conferred the following honours and awards:
IFLA Scroll of Appreciation
In grateful recognition to the National Committee of the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 87th IFLA General Conference
Philip Cohen, Marian Higgins, and Cathal McCauley, Co-Chairs of the IFLA Irish National Committee accepted the award
Sanjay Kumar Bihani
For his distinguished contribution to IFLA’s Governing Board and committees, dedication to improving government libraries, the IFLA Journal and enhancing collaboration and networking within the Asia and Oceania region.
Gillian Hallam
For her distinguished contribution, leadership and mentoring within IFLA, particularly in capacity building and professional development. Her achievements have maximised the potential of individual librarians, as well as those involved in IFLA’s committees and in library associations across Asia and Oceania.
Past IFLA President Christine Mackenzie received the award on her behalf.
Sueli Mara Soares Pinto Ferreira
For her distinguished contribution to IFLA and for enhancing awareness of, and increasing involvement in, IFLA’s activities throughout the Latin America and the Caribbean region. The Scroll of Appreciation acknowledges her achievements on copyright, open access and in mentoring young leaders in the library field.
IFLA Medal
Lorcan Dempsey
For his distinguished contribution to international librarianship and IFLA, through the development of information infrastructures and digital networks that enrich and shape libraries as memory institutions.
Filiberto Felipe Martínez Arellano
For distinguished service to IFLA, advancements in cataloguing practices and open access, and enhancing capacity building for librarians throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
Egbert Sánchez received the award on his behalf.
IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Award
Awarded this year to:
Education and Training Section (SET)
For the past two years, the Unit, working in conjunction with other Sections and Special Interest Groups from Division IV and Division C, has developed a series of virtual events, featuring LIS students from around the world. The events provide LIS students with opportunities to network and gather experiences that will support their transition from students to information professionals. These popular events have virtually brought together thousands of participants and thousands of viewers to their SET YouTube channel.
SET have worked closely on other projects within their Division, creating resources for use by LIS practitioners, having recently published the IFLA Guidelines for Professional Library and Information Science (LIS) Education Programmes, The Guidelines serve as a framework which stakeholders can apply in planning, developing, and assessing the quality of LIS education.
SET has been a leader on promoting the social roles of libraries for social and digital inclusion, including the set-up of a training school to facilitate deep discussion and learning around these topics. They communicate effectively with their stakeholders, with frequent and creative use of social media to connect LIS students, practitioners and the field at large. The programs offered by this unit are dynamic and inclusive and future-focused.
The award was received on behalf of the Section’s Standing Committee by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe
Special mention for Quality and Impact of the Work
Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section
A special mention is given to the Library Services to Children and Young Adults Section for Quality and Impact of the work. This is a highly organised and engaged Standing Committee who have worked hard to ensure that their membership is reflective of the wider IFLA/Global library community. This group has been a model for others with their internal and external communications practices. This year has seen the Unit conduct a global survey on safer internet practices in libraries, publish a report based on these findings, develop accessible 0-18 library guidelines and a revamp of their signature project, the now digitised, World Through Picture Books.
The award was received by Marianne Martens on behalf of the Section’s Standing Committee.
Special mention for Communication
Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB)
The jury recognised ENSULIB, a first-year Section for its strong and effective global committee, who have shown excellent planning, a clear and effective communication strategy, including an active social media presence and a series of widely attended virtual events. The ENSULIB communicates widely to connect the public to the section’s work, including translation of the ENSULIB Checklist into 23 languages.
The award was received by Harri Sahavirta on behalf of the Section’s Standing Committee.
Best IFLA Poster 2022
Awarded this year to:
Gazi Husrev-beg Library Book Museum
Ejla and Adnan Ćurovac
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Photos of award winners are available on our Flickr.
Full details on IFLA’s Honours and Awards and IFLA Professional Awards are available on the IFLA website.