Call for Papers — Satellite Meetings
Education and Training Section
- 5 April 2022, 08:17
Theme: "SET Training School: Towards a Curriculum for Social and Digital Inclusion and Lifelong Learning"
The IFLA Section Education and Training (SET) is seeking proposals for papers to be presented at its Post-Conference Satellite on 29-30 July at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2022 in Dublin, Ireland. The satellite is hosted by University College Dublin (UCD).
SET addresses the knowledge and skills Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals require to take on leadership roles and to become advocates and change-makers who enrich the lives of the diverse communities they serve.
The Post-Conference Satellite aims to provide an overview of conceptual foundations of community-centered LIS education, reflecting IFLA Global Vision and a paradigm shift to proactive libraries transforming communities. This in-person Satellite will provide the opportunity to explore contemporary educational programs and projects and to discuss future developments of curricula suitable for the community-centered libraries that are aimed at social inclusion, digital equity, and lifelong learning.
Themes include (but are not limited) to educational programs outcomes, such as:
- Transformational role of LIS professionals
- Participatory approach of communities
- Multicultural knowledge, skills and strategies
- Research methods to know the community
- Social justice, and equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA)
- Libraries for lifelong learning
- Libraries’ support for sustainability and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- Critical LIS pedagogy for social inclusion
- Digital inclusion/equity in a 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) in the LIS environment
Submissions include:
- Title of proposed presentation
- Abstract of presentation (max 300 words)
- Name, title, institution, country, and email of speaker(s) – if more than one speaker, indicate primary contact
- Brief biographical statement about each speaker (max 100 words)
Format/time length:
- Papers presenting research and professional experiences related to community-centered LIS education (15 minutes)
- Short papers presenting lightning talks on projects in progress (5 minutes)
Selected papers exploring critical trends related to community centred LIS education will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of Library Trends.
All proposals should be submitted by email to:
Use the subject: 2022 SET Training School proposal
Selection will be based on the abstract reviewed by the organizing team from SET.
Important dates
May 16th, 2022 Deadline for submission of abstract
May 31st, 2022 Successful submissions will be notified.
June 27th, 2022 Full papers (2500-3500 words, double spaced) are due
All proposals and full papers will be required to be in English.